At Mary, Mother of the Church, we give life to the liturgy in many ways:
- Through attention to the liturgical year as we decorate our worship space and our parish home;
- Through participation in the liturgy as members of the assembly and in taking a role in a liturgical ministry;
- Through opportunities for joyful participation in our many and varied musical groups;
- Through the celebration of sacraments during the liturgy at various times throughout the year.
In all of this, we seek to acknowledge the living presence of the triune God as we worship and grow deeper in faith, together. Come, join us.
Eucharistic Minister
Assist in distributing Eucharist at weekend Mass time of your choice and Holy Day Masses. Must be confirmed and at least 16 years old. Training is provided.
Altar Server
Assist the presider during Sunday and Holy Day liturgies once every four to eight weeks at Mass time of your choice. Must be in grade four and above. Training is provided.
Minister of Hospitality
Welcome those arriving for Mass, take up the collection, and assist members of the assembly as needed. May serve with family and friends.
Proclaim the 1st and 2nd Readings at Mass. Training is provided. Must be at least 15 years old.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Preside or assist at children’s liturgy in the Chapel during 8:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Mass from Advent through Lent. Must be confirmed and 16 years of age or older. Background check and VIRTUS training required.
Provide warm welcome to all who come to Mary Mother. Greet at the Mass time of your choice, approximately once per month. Training provided. All ages welcome.
Projector Slide Ministry
Help with the projection of slides during all weekend Masses and Holy Days.
Seasonal Decorating
We join together to decorating the Church and Atrium for all the various liturgical seasons throughout the year.
Sounds Minsitry
We have volunteers that help with the sound at all weekend Masses and Holy Days.
Live Stream Ministry
Our live stream ministry helps to ensure that the live stream is working and available for all those who need access to the Mass virtually. We live stream the 11:00am Sunday Masses and Holy Day Masses.
For information on any of these, please contact Roxanne Tozier.