Youth Faith Formation

Youth Faith Formation 2024-2025 - online registration now open.  

Youth Formation at MMOTC is held on Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 8:00 pm, generally starting in the Mary Center on the lower level. Our First Fifteen minutes are used to break open the coming Sunday Gospel, then we break into faith sharing Small Groups. Mary Mother is in need of more small group leaders, Wednesday hospitality help and a team of Pray-ers for our youth ministry. Let us know how you're willing to serve! Throughout the year we’ll use a variety of styles to help your child learn the richness of our Catholic faith and experiential learning to help them encounter and know our merciful Lord.  This will include speakers, Bible studies, video sessions and small group discussions.  In small groups they’ll build a safe community where they can ask their big questions, share their doubts, their faith, and encourage one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

The first Wednesday of each month we meet in the Church for an ELEVATE large group session. We ask families to participate with their children on these nights. This is night of prayer and adoration and catechesis for all youth and their families. Each Elevate will look a little different, if you'd like to be a part of the planning team or have ideas, please contact Amy.  

Attendance at each Faith Formation session is vital as each week builds on growth and learning from previous weeks. If your child is unable to attend classes due to emergency or illness, please contact their leader before class is to begin.  If your child misses more than two sessions during the year, home-school lessons will be sent to the parents.  If there are concerns, please contact the Youth Formation Director.

Mass Attendance :  Being Catholic, it is our joy and responsibility to attend Mass regularly on Sundays and all Holy Days of Obligation.  Please, as a family, help to instill this value as part of your child's faith. 

Serving in our parish:  We ask that each young person in our youth formation programs learn to be active in parish life by offering at least 10 hours of service at MMOTC.  This could include a role at Mass or helping out any of our ministries.  SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES LIST and RECORD SHEET

   The Sacrament of Confirmation

We're partnering with St Michael in Prior Lake for this year's Confrimation retreat.  2024-2025 Dates; January 11/12, 2025 or Feb 22/23, 2025. 

Young people who wish to be confirmed in the Catholic Faith are welcomed to enroll in the Confirmation process here at Mary Mother once they have reached 10th grade. There will be an information session in the Fall, and the Confirmation Mass will be in the Spring. Candidates will be asked to choose a  sponsor with whom they will meet with to pray and discuss their faith and ask their questions. They will also participate in a retreat, be asked to offer 10 or more hours of service in the parish, and select a patron saint  The Confirmation process is separate from Faith Formation classes, though attendance in a Faith Formation program (here or in a Catholic school) during grades 8 through 10 is required for candidates.

For questions about Youth Formation at MMOTC, contact Amy Schroeder, Director of Youth Formation at 952-890-0045 ext 231 or email.

Download the 2024-2025 Youth Formation calendar here. 

Confirmation Process Calendar of Events 

Faith Formation Family Handbook can be seen here.