First Reconciliation | Grade 2 and Older
The child at this age seeks guidelines. Moral parables offer a model for comparing their behavior with that of the Pharisee, the Tax Collector, or the Good Samaritan. The Found Sheep, the Found Coin, and the Prodigal Son are examined as the children prepare for the sacrament of reconciliation. The proclamation and meditation of these parables stress God's love which is constantly forgiving. Enrollment in Children's Faith Formation is required for sacrament preparation.
First Eucharist | Grade 2 and Older
The elementary children see the parts of the Mass - the Liturgy of the Word, the Preparation of the Gifts, the Eucharistic Prayer, and the Communion - as one unified prayer made of many smaller prayers. Children prepare for the celebration of First Eucharistic through a series of communion meditations focusing on the relationship with Jesus. It leads to a three to four-day retreat prior to the celebration of the First Eucharist. Preparation of personal missals filled with illustrations and prayers is also part of this preparation which helps to deepen their love and understanding of the Eucharist. Enrollment in Children's Faith Formation is required for sacrament preparation.
If you have questions about the children's First Reconciliation or First Eucharist, please click here to contact Cindy Monn
Confirmation l Grade 10 and Older
Young people who wish to be confirmed in the Catholic Faith are welcomed to enroll in the Confirmation process here at Mary Mother once they have reached 10th grade. There will be an information session in the Fall, and the Confirmation Mass will be in the Spring. Candidates will be asked to choose a sponsor with whom they will meet with to pray and discuss their faith and ask their questions. They will also participate in a retreat, be asked to offer 10 or more hours of service in the parish, and select a patron saint *CHANGE FROM PAST YEARS: The Confirmation process is separate from Faith Formation classes, though attendance in a Faith Formation program (here or in a Catholic school) during grades 8 through 10 is required for candidates.
If you have questions about the Sacrament of Confirmation for High School age youth, contact Amy Schroeder
*RCIA is the process through which adults wishing to be Confirmed enter the fullness of our faith. More info here.